Tuesday, March 04, 2008

When Schools Close, They Get Out The Word

On Call: Craig Croson and Ian Warshak run schoolsout.com and TheCampusWire.com.

After the remains of Hurricane Fran struck in 1996, two Frederick County parents were caught unaware when schools let out early and their children were dropped off at neighborhood bus stops without their knowing.
So the parents, who were colleagues at a Germantown data technology firm, devised a bare-bones Web site to alert Maryland parents of unexpected school closings. Those two founders have since moved on, but Craig Croson and Ian Warshak now run Schoolsout.com as an emergency-notification service for almost 300 schools systems, day-care centers and organizations nationwide, many in this area.
What began as a free community service is blossoming into a business. The Washington Post

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