Thursday, August 07, 2008

Team HOYT...The real story of an inspirational love between a father and a son.

Parents, what are you willing to do for your child?

Racing Towards Inclusion (click here) For the past twenty five years or more Dick, who is 65, has pushed and pulled his son across the country and over hundreds of finish lines. When Dick runs, Rick is in a wheelchair that Dick is pushing. When Dick cycles, Rick is in the seat-pod from his wheelchair, attached to the front of the bike. When Dick swims, Rick is in a small but heavy, firmly stabilized boat being pulled by Dick.

1 comment:

Michael Shreeve said...

WOW!!! Amazing, absolutly amazing. i am a special education major in my final year of school. This story inspired me to train harder and be better at my chosen profession and to always remember the students we teach are children loved by their parents. Thank you so much for posting that video, i appreciate it. if anyone would like to contact me my email is

Promethean Planet


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