
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

DC Teachers Vote Overwhelmingly To Approve New Contract

With increased expectations for student achievement and higher accountability standards for our educators, it’s time for a progressive teacher’s contract.

News 9 (

WASHINGTON, DC (WUSA) -- DC teachers have just overwhelmingly approved their new contract with the DC Public School System. While final numbers are not in yet, our sources say it's roughly 1,400 for and 400 opposed.

The agreement gives teachers substantial pay raises and establishes a performance pay system that's linked to test scores.

Statement from George Parker, President of the Washington Teachers' Union:

After two and a half years of negotiations, I am extremely pleased that our members have voted "Yes" on an agreement that will provide teachers with the tools and resources so that all children in DC Public Schools will have a quality education.

This contract invests in teachers' professional growth, creates conditions for success for students, boosts teacher pay so that it is highly competitive with surrounding jurisdictions, provides resources necessary to improve teaching and learning, focuses on student discipline and includes new checks and balances related to excessing and reduction in force.

I would like to thank our teachers for letting their collective voice be heard by voting in support of a contract that is good for kids and fair to teachers. The Washington Teachers' Union is committed to continuing our efforts to ensure that teachers are provided with the tools, resources and respect they need to improve education in DC Public Schools.

It is now up to the DC City Council to approve the compensation so the real work can begin.

To WTU President George Parker, our colleagues who supported the new WTU-DCPS Teachers Contract, the contract negotiations team, teachers and union leaders who went around different schools to present the TA Highlights during the morning blocks…our hard work paid off!
Colleagues, we thank you for supporting a teachers’ contract that best positions us educators to meet the common goal of how best to serve our DCPS students.

Stay tuned.

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