
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pink Hearts, Not Pink Slips

Just changed my blog's skin. A good friend of mine once told me that politics is all about relationships. It's been broken in our school system, we do need to glue them together...

Let's support the AFT's campaign for "Pink Hearts, Not Pink Slips".

Schools throughout America are facing devastating cuts. Our children’s future hangs in the balance.

By the end of this school year, it is estimated that as many as 300,000 teachers, school support staff and higher education faculty will receive pink slips throughout the country.

This will result in drastic increases in class sizes and less individualized instruction; it will erode classroom discipline and school safety, and eliminate essential programs like art, music, AP classes and summer school.

"The magnitude of the cuts is staggering. The number of educators who might be pink-slipped in the fall is nearly equal to the population of Toledo, Ohio," said AFT President Randi Weingarten. "This isn’t just about saving jobs; it’s about saving the next generation." [Read the full

The “Pink Hearts, Not Pink Slips” campaign aims to draw attention to the devastating impact educational budget cuts—and the resulting layoffs—will have on our students, their schools and our communities.

Starting on May 4, National Teacher Day, we are encouraging everyone to wear pink hearts to acknowledge the important contributions of educators. Educators put their heart and soul into their work, and every day they make a real difference in the lives of children. Budgets may be tightening, but students need educators in the classroom, not in unemployment lines.

Our government didn’t walk away from Wall Street. We should demand no less from them when it comes to saving our children’s future. We must voice our support for federal legislation that will provide $23 billion to help school districts avoid layoffs and cuts in vital services for children. Help us preserve the education lifeline our students deserve.
Read media coverage of the Pink Hearts campaign.
press release.]

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Victory Update!!
August 10, 2010

Congress has heard your calls and read your letters.

The House of Representatives just passed legislation that will keep 161,000 educators in schools across the country! This bill, which was passed last week by the Senate, will be signed into law by President Obama as early as today.

Thanks to your yearlong efforts, more than $26 billion in aid will flow to states and school districts. Our educators will now be in classrooms-rather than in unemployment lines-when the school bell rings, and our children and communities can continue to prosper.

Please take a moment to thank those who stood up for our kids and our communities.

The AFT is grateful to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Reps. David Obey and George Miller for their leadership and tireless efforts on this issue in the House of Representatives, as well to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sens. Patty Murray and Tom Harkin, who championed the fight for this funding in the Senate.

In unity,

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 PM

    what about the other 139,000 teachers? Will they receive the pink slip?
