
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

I got lucky this year because there are some parents in my classroom who are responsible and are cooperating with me to help their child. I am keeping documentations of how my students are improving academically and behaviorally, and data show that those who have parents that I can count on are the ones who are showing good steady progress.

This sounds really very familiar to me, I've had conversations with parents very similar to this...


-Start the year with a "parent-only" meeting before the first day of school. Parents often come to the classroom with preconceived ideas and fears. This is your opportunity to interact with parents without child interruptions and develop the parent-teacher relationship. Parents are able to focus on your words and interact with you and the other parents in the class. This meeting also allows you to set the expectations and tone for the year, relieve parent concerns, and establish a positive parent climate in your room. The underlying theme for this first meeting: that both educators and parents are the child's teachers.

-Invite resource staff, so parents can experience the teamwork that is needed for student success.

-Schedule "Parent-only" meetings through the year to build and maintain parent relationships, align teacher with parent, and maintain parent education.

Create a Partnership between Teachers and Parents

-We can't expect academic assistance from parents if they don't understand the skills being taught. Understand that you are teacher to both student and parent.

-Provide weekly parent education tips that explain the concepts being taught and provide support materials that allow parents to help at home.

-Work with resource teachers to provide ability-based homework that reinforces the concepts of the general education and resource room.

-Bridge the gap between home and school through thematic home projects.

-Provide parent homework and a method of weekly communication between parent and teacher.

-Record the efforts of parent involvement on each child's report card, so parents can see the importance of their work and the value you place on it.

Harness the Talents and Energies of Your Students' Parents

-Ask parents to chair and plan family events and class fundraisers. Empower them to make this their child's best year of learning. Their involvement establishes "buy-in" and a sense of ownership in the classroom.

Offer Parenting/Teacher Education Classes

-Set up school-wide parenting and teacher education classes.

-Parenting with Love and Logic along with its companion course, The Nine Essentials of Learning with Love and Logic, provides effective parenting and teacher education. Both courses establish a common framework and language for behavior expectations at home and school.

-At evening Love and Logic parenting classes, provide child-care at the school, so parents are able to share issues and concerns with other parents and relieve feelings of isolation.

-Love and Logic helps teachers, parents, and students realize that children are responsible for their behaviors and able to make good behavior choices. Parents and educators alike have commented that Love and Logic has facilitated better relationships between parent, teacher and student, so students and adults can concentrate on learning rather than behavior issues.

Use Your Data to Establish Future Goals for Both School and Home

-Clearly communicate assessment goals and dates.

-Share the results of assessment with parents.

-Use a variety of assessment data to establish future goals for both home and school. Provide parents with the materials and education they need to assist their child.

-Collaborate with all specialists who work with your students, so all adults and parents work toward student success.

-Help parents set up graphic organizers and data collection sheets that indicate work completed and methods used at home. These graphic organizers provide indispensable parent documentation and will become a valuable tool for conferences when establishing resource needs as well as for future IEP and 504 meetings when new goals are established.

Encouragement vs. Praise

-Telling your students and parents that they are doing a great job is "hollow" praise. Offer encouragement rather than praise by giving specific examples of a job well done.

-Send home regular communication to all parents that details specific examples of parent-initiated creative teaching strategies and methods. Follow up with phone calls of encouragement and support. This motivates involved parents to continue working with their children and encourages less involved parents to become active members of the education process.

-Never give up... some parents take longer to become a member of your learning community. Celebrate Student Learning

-Celebrate -- provide regular events that showcase your students' learning and invite parents to participate.

-Use each event as an opportunity for parent education and encouragement while developing a community.

-End the year with a celebration of both student and parent successes, and solicit the parents' commitment to continue supporting their children throughout their academic careers.

Teachers Affect Eternity -- One Can Never Tell Where Their Influence Stops

-The common thread that is woven throughout a student's academic career is the parent, so inspire a life-long parent commitment. Together, parents, students, and teachers can create a synergy that raises academic achievement. Give your students an intrinsic love of learning. Allow your parents to experience the success of their academic involvement, so they are motivated to continue nurturing their child until adulthood.

Jeffrey Thompson is the Disney 2004 Outstanding Elementary Teacher and Teacher of the Year. He teaches kindergarten at Evergreen Elementary School on the Fort Lewis Army Post in Washington. He also teaches Parenting with Love and Logic and The 9 Essentials of Learning with Love and Logic to parents and educators. Thompson is a member of the Washington CEC.

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