
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Students want you to vote

Dear Teachers,

Please take 30 seconds to watch this video from a student asking you to vote in this WTU election.

We encourage you to vote in this important election. You will decide whether we go forward with Parker or backward with Saunders. The Parker slate brings the experience, relationships, and knowledge necessary to get your concerns addressed. They will constructively engage with the new Mayor and Chancellor and continue to move our schools forward in ways that are fair for teachers.

Saunders will take us back to an era of confrontation and gridlock. In 5 years as Senior Vice President, he hasn’t delivered any results. In fact, after taking half a million dollars of union dues as salary, his pay was suspended because he rarely came to work and couldn’t account for his time.
Our kids can’t afford this set-back for our schools.

Please vote for the Parker slate and return your ballot today!!

And, thank you for the great work that you do!


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