
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Urgent Message: Call your Senators Immediately!

** NWP Urban Sites Network **


On Monday November 29, the Senate will vote on an amendment to ban all earmarks for 2011, 2012, 2013. This amendment will ELIMINATE FUNDING FOR THE NATIONAL WRITING PROJECT, even though we are a national program which is authorized and accountable to the federal government (i.e. not a traditional earmark).

Even Senators who traditionally support the writing project are under pressure to vote for this amendment!!

We need you to call your Senators' offices this MONDAY November 22nd or Tuesday November 23rd and tell them to OPPOSE Senator Coburn's amendment to ban all earmarks because it will defund the National Writing Project.

Spread the word on tweets, blogs, facebook and other social media. Get your colleagues, friends and administrators to show their support of the NWP by calling their Senators as well. Offices are tallying CALLS, so it is important to make calls instead of writing letters. Time is of the essence. Calls MUST be made this Monday.

Go to to find the phone number of your senators' offices.

Let your voice be heard NOW.

For More Detailed information, see below:

Dear All,

We need all teachers and site leaders to call their two Senators on Monday and Tuesday, November 22 and 23, to ask that they vote NO on the amendment offered by Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK). The Coburn amendment would eliminate all funding for the NWP beginning with the FY11 budget through a moratorium on earmarks. NWP is considered an earmark even though we are an authorized program in ESEA.

Please forward this email to your TCs and other supporters of your site, including principals, colleagues, and community members, and urge them to also make calls. The timing is crucial. The vote on the Coburn Amendment is scheduled for Monday, November 29.
We need as many calls as possible. Other national programs, including Reading Is Fundamental (RIF), Very Special Arts, Teach for America, and the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, are all in the same situation.

Please contact if you have any questions. We will be posting additional information to the NWP Works Ning and we will respond to all emails as quickly as possible. Please also let us know about any responses to your calls!
THANK YOU on behalf of the entire NWP network.

Heather Foote and Kelsey Krausen

Heather Foote
Policy Associate
National Writing Project
University of California
2105 Bancroft Way #1042
Berkeley, CA 94720-1042
Tel: 510-642-8816
Fax: 510-643-1226

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