
Friday, December 03, 2010

Our trip to Hogwarts

Last week same day, Friday, we went to Orlando to visit Hogsmeade and Hogwarts Castle after celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and friends in Oviedo, FL. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was a wonderful experience for my daughter who's a Harry Potter fanatic; she enjoyed talking to the wizards about the different kinds of magic wands (funny how she was imitating their accent, LOL!), looking at the extraordinary shops of Hogsmeade and she loved the interesting sweet taste of Butterbeer! She was also amazed to actually see the different items in the movies and was amused by the moving and talking portraits of the wizards on the walls of the castle. She was thrilled by the Forbidden Journey ride which was like meeting up face to face with the Dementors, the dragons, and being in the middle of a quidditch match! She said the Hogwarts experience was actually like being one of the main characters in the HP movies! Here's our short clip...

I saw Dumbledore inside the Hogwarts Castle talking to the Muggles in the library, I took a good photo of him as I listened intently to what he was telling us...


By the way, thank you to all who supported our Parker-Egbufor Slate during this WTU internal elections. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

The election results should not dishearten us, rather, it should inspire us more to reach out and hold on to each other for ourselves and our students...together we can work more effectively. A rope made of many cords is harder to break.  Remember that there is always a reason for everything. What matters most is the journey, what we have learned from each other during the process and who we have positively impacted while going through it. I say to you with utmost sincerity and conviction that one person can really make a difference... and everyone of you is that person!

Colleagues, I may not be your official special education WTU representative anymore but rest assured that I am still here for all of you to listen to you and stand by you. You can always reach me via Facebook, Twitter, text messages, email, this blog, or you can drop by my classroom so we can learn from each other and empower ourselves. Let's keep the fire to you later!

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