
Thursday, January 13, 2011

NBCT bloggers

This blog is currently featured on the NBCTLink (many thanks!):

Active NBCTs on the Blogosphere

Across the country, National Board Certified Teachers are getting their voices heard by becoming education bloggers. These dedicated teachers come from various pockets of the country (from both urban and rural backgrounds) and work hard to make sure accomplished teachers are recognized.

Here are a few NBCT bloggers:

• Patrick Ledesma is a Virginia school based technology specialist and Special Education Department Chair. He has an Education Week blog that discusses policy issues.

• David Cohen blogs for the Accomplished California Teachers Web site. David teaches 9th and 10th grade English, and also serves as an academic advisor.

• Anthony Cody is an active member of the Teacher Leaders Network, and he works with a team of experienced science teacher-coaches who support the many novice teachers in his school district. He blogs on Education Week.

• Renee Moore was the 2001 Mississippi Teacher of the Year. She teachers at Mississippi Delta Community College. She blogs for NationalJournal.

• Maria Angala is an NBCT from Washington, D.C. View her blog here.

• Roxanna Elden, author of See Me After Class, recently wrote a guest post on an Education Week blog. View the post “Five Words and Phrases that Sound Different to Teachers.”

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