
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ravitch: In defense of teachers' rights

In this column, author and education expert Diane Ravitch continues her defense of the country's teachers, who are angry over attempts to curb their collective-bargaining power. She refutes critics who suggest that teachers have it too easy, listing the many challenges that teachers face in the classroom and pointing out the ways in which their jobs have changed. Ravitch argues that Wisconsin teachers -- and others nationwide -- deserve the right to negotiate fair wages and benefits. "If the voices of their teachers are silenced, who will stand up for students?" she writes. CNN

California lawmaker seeks to curb collective-bargaining rights: A California lawmaker has introduced legislation similar to a controversial bill being considered in Wisconsin, which would eliminate some collective-bargaining rights for public employees. Under the California bill, public employees no longer would be able to negotiate pension benefits. Pensions have been a hot topic in California, where some have said the growing obligation is unaffordable. The proposal, however, is not expected to pass in the Democratic-controlled legislature. San Francisco Chronicle/The Associated Press

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