
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wear your heart on your sleeve

Dear Colleagues,

Wear a Pink Heart on Valentine's Day!

This Monday, Valentine’s Day, show your love for quality education and public services: Wear a pink heart. 

As lawmakers across the country prepare their state budgets, they need to recognize that teachers, school support staff, higher education faculty, government employees and healthcare workers make a difference every day in the lives of our children and in our communities. 

We help deliver vital services that are essential to the well-being and safety of our communities. Our jobs are some of the most important and demanding in the country. Many of us choose this work because we believe in public service, even though we could earn more in other fields. As lawmakers develop their state budgets for the coming year, we need to remind them to have a heart and not shortchange the services our children and communities rely on. Wear a pink heart on Feb. 14.

In unity,

Kris Havens
AFT communications director
P.S. We’d love to see pictures of you and your colleagues wearing your pink hearts. E-mail your photos to: .

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