
Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Teachers of 2030

Thanks to the Teacher Leaders Network for sharing this:
In The Teachers of 2030: Creating a Student-Centered Profession for the 21st Century (online magazine or PDF format), Barnett Berry invites policymakers and teacher leaders to rethink today's teaching policies by imagining the knowledge, skills and qualities teachers must have in the year 2030 -- just two decades from now. To support this discussion, Berry introduces the voices of 12 accomplished American teachers who are currently writing a book on the future of teaching. This TeacherSolutions 2030 team, supported by Metlife Foundation, has identified four emergent realities that they believe will shape education over the next 20 years:

-A transformed learning ecology for students and teachers
-Differentiated professional pathways
-Seamless connections in and out of cyberspace
-Teacherpreneurism and the global educational marketplace

This monograph discusses these realities and also focuses on levers of change to address them, by building a robust and adaptable teaching profession. With study after study pointing to the powerful effects of qualified teachers and quality teaching on student achievement, it is clear that any effective vision for education’s future must focus on access for all students to excellent teaching.

Here's a video summary:


Are you ready to join the teacher leaders of this nation? I just did.

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