
Monday, July 04, 2011

AFT Teach

From the AFT website:

July 11-13, 2011, Washington, D.C.

This summer, the American Federation of Teachers invites you to our TEACH (Together Educating America’s Children) conference. Educators are facing extraordinary demands—and we’re putting together an extraordinary gathering to provide you with the practical tools, professional knowledge, and inspiration to meet them.

With the theme of “Making a Difference Every Day,” TEACH will showcase the groundbreaking work taking place throughout the AFT. Learn how union members are tackling the toughest issues in our field, and making breakthrough changes that will improve education for students across America.

To be sure, the conference will provide the high-quality workshops for which its predecessor, QuEST, was known. But TEACH will also bring you overviews of innovative work in our field that educators need to know about, exciting demonstrations of the latest educational technology, thought-provoking keynote speakers and much more.

NEW! Whether you’re attending or not, you can have TEACH 2011 at your fingertips with our new mobile website. You’ll be able tor review workshop offerings and customize your schedule; get up-to-the-minute information on special events; ask questions through the online help desk; and receive special alerts. Add the TEACH 2011 mobile website to your smartphone or tablet today.

For more details as plans for AFT's TEACH conference take shape:
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