
Friday, February 15, 2013

Textbooks vs E-books in schools? #edtech

Many schools are abandoning textbooks in favor of e-books and tablet computers, but writer Nicholas Carr urges them to consider research that shows paper books still have some advantages. Traditional books retain the reader's attention, allow greater flexibility and cater to more learning styles, he argues. Carr also cites a study suggesting that college students still prefer print reading. Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.)/Dallas Morning News

But, if you are a Kindle lover, here's a book for you...Kindle Buffet! Part of the title on the book is also "Find and download the best free books, magazines and newspapers for your Kindle, iPhone, iPad or Android" This explains the book very well. It is an amazing resource for finding free books. The book is oversize and easy to understand. This book is full of step by step instructions, graphics and pictures to help explain the steps. 


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    To buy a kindle or not buy a kindle? This is the question I am currently facing. I have been thinking about this for a while and I have always put it off because I just seem to read better when I have a paper copy in my hands. I found the article very interesting because that is exactly how I feel about textbooks. I need to be able to highlight and make notes in order to make sense of something I am reading, especially when I am reading an article or section of a textbook for a class. I can't believe they are actually considering taking away all hard copy books in favor of ebooks without considering the implications that may have for students. Technology is great but it is not always the solution for everything.
