
Sunday, October 09, 2011

The legacy of Steve Jobs for those with disabilities

Journalist Tim Carmody reflects on the motivations and legacy of late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. Jobs was responsible for products that have helped augment communication for Carmody's son, who has autism and language difficulties, along with many others with disabilities. "These frail and fragile bodies don't always work the way we want them to. Steve Jobs understood that," he writes. blog     

Steve Jobs: A creative force in education technology: Apple's Steve Jobs, who died Wednesday, was seen as an influential and creative force in education technology. As the leader of Apple, which he co-founded in 1976, Jobs' creativity is credited for the development of products, from the Apple I and II computers to modern mobile devices such as the iPad and iPhone, many of which have changed education and held relevance for students with disabilities and those who work with them. Education Week/Digital Education blog