
Sunday, April 22, 2012

National Board supports in DC

I received an email from a DCPS school administrator last week inquiring about financial supports for the National Board Certification. I am posting it here, with my response, hoping it would help others who have the same questions...
Hello Mrs. Angala,
I have come across your Teacher Sol article. I would like to know if you are still a NBCT teacher and if you have any information regarding the financial assistance DCPS provides to their teachers today?
Educationally Yours,
ES Assistant Principal

I apologize, it has been a busy week with the DC CAS. Thank you for getting in touch with me about your interest with the National Board Certification. I have the following information about your inquiry:
1. Chapter 36.14 of the WTU-DCPS Teacher Contract stipulates the following:
36.14.1 A Teacher who is a certified classroom Teacher, and who achieves National Board certification, shall receive a non-pensionable, one-time bonus of $4,000, provided: The Teacher’s most recent evaluation is Effective or higher; The Teacher begins the National Board certification process (including initial payment) no later than the date of approval of this Agreement by the Council of the District of Columbia; and The Teacher is awarded National Board certification no later than November 1, 2010.
36.14.2 The $4,000 bonus shall be paid within sixty (60) School Days following completion of the National Board certification.
36.14.3 The Teacher shall be required to work in DCPS for a minimum of three (3) years after receiving the bonus unless terminated by DCPS.
36.14.4 In the event that the Teacher fails to meet the three-year commitment, s/he shall be obligated to return the compensation to DCPS on a prorated basis.
2. The District of Columbia is pleased to announce that funding is available to help offset the cost of the assessment fee. This funding is made possible through a Federal Subsidy grant from the United States Department of Education. The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) – Educator Licensure and Accreditation unit oversees the distribution of the Federal Subsidy. Please read the information below for specific details, deadlines and contact information. Teachers working in the District of Columbia are eligible to receive six recertification credits (equivalent to six semester hours/90 clock hours) towards the renewal of their state license upon completion of the National Board Certification process, regardless of the outcome.  Evidence of completion requires the following: submission of scorable entries for all four portfolios, and the six assessment center exercises.  NBPTS confirmation of completion of the entries and assessment center exercises must be included with the licensure renewal application.  Entries and exercises must have been completed within the four (Regular II license holders) or five year period (Standard and Professional license holders) prior to the submission of a renewal application.
As part of the NASDTEC Interstate Agreement that governs the rules for interstate reciprocity, OSSE will award a full license with no deficiencies to any candidate who has obtained National Board Certification in the area directly corresponding to the licensure subject area sought.  This is provided that the candidate also:
a. Holds a comparable and valid license issued by any member state/jurisdiction in the interstate agreement, and
b. Has complied with all requirements of the receiving jurisdiction regarding professional teaching/educational experience.
I hope this helps. Good luck on the remaining days of our DC CAS, and have a restful weekend!!
Maria Angala, NBCT
Jefferson Academy

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