
Thursday, December 06, 2012

Global Teacher Migration and Mobility Survey

My good friend, Shannon, who's the Associate Director of AFT International Affairs Department emailed me about the Global Teacher Migration and Mobility Survey. If you are an International Teacher reading this important post, we need your help! Please take the survey and forward this message to our colleagues who are teacher migrants.

What is the survey about? Here's Shannon's email to explain briefly what the survey is for:

Hi Maria,
I can’t believe the civil case is opening today in LA! I wish I could have been there, but I have been traveling way too much and my kids hardly recognize me these days. Anyway, I can’t wait to hear all about the opening arguments.   
Also, I have a quick request. Education International has given the AFT Educational Foundation a grant to conduct research on global teacher migration and mobility. Through the research, we hope to help EI identify best practices for international teacher migration as well as highlight issues of concern and expose abuses. We also want to help our union colleagues around the world develop and promote strategies for positive union engagement with migrant teachers.

To better understand the motivation and experience of migrant teachers around the world, we have developed an online survey designed for individual teachers to complete and submit. Survey responses are collected anonymously; however, teachers may include their names and contact information if they wish to receive the results of the survey, along with the completed report, and be entered into a drawing for an iPad.

If you could fill this out and share with it other teachers in your network, whether they are working in the U.S. or elsewhere, that would be extremely helpful. The
link to the survey is here, and if for any reason anyone would prefer to print out the survey and mail it, that is no problem either. Since the AFT is disseminating this survey using a variety of means, please let people know that they should only fill out one survey!

If you have any questions or suggestions about the research project, just let me know. I hope you and your family are well.

Fingers crossed for justice,

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