
Friday, December 14, 2012

Jefferson Academy MS supports the students of Sandy Hook ES

I was on training this morning at my school when I received an alert from my celfone about this tragedy at Sandy Hook ES in CT. Known to be good at multi-tasking, I quickly checked the message and I was filled with horror but still managed to keep myself calm. After  planning and sharing the tasks for next week's lessons with my co-teacher, I finished the inschool professional development training at Jefferson Academy, and then drove to Columbia Heights Educational Center for another PD.
After the training, I was again checking the follow up news at the parking lot when I came across another incident that 22 students and a teacher were injured in a stabbing at ChenPeng Village Primary School at 8am in China. Pain, anguish, sorrow, grief...there were no exact words to describe the feeling that overwhelmed me at that moment. These acts of violence to our schoolchildren that occured the same day in two different locations should never happen. Our schools must be a safe haven for our kids and the people who work with them!
My prayers to the school community of Sandy Hook ES in Connecticut and ChenPeng Village Primary School in China. The teachers and administrators in these schools are heroes for protecting and preventing more students from being hurt, I commend them for their bravery and integrity in the face of danger.
I hear a wise mentor's voice ringing in my head: "Teach our children a respect for all life. Children will only learn from us as we become the example." Let's do something for these children to let them know that there are more good people in this world who love them. My school, Jefferson Academy MS, is taking action to support the children of Sandy Hook ES. We are collecting 100 stuffed animals to be mailed out to Sandy Hook ES with letters of sympathy from our students over the holidays. I encourage my friends to contribute to this initiative, please email me if you need me to pick them up, or you can drop them off at Jefferson Academy: 801 7th Street SW, Washington DC. We have so many blessings and it's now time to give back. Below is the email from my principal, Natalie Gordon:

Good Afternoon Team -
As excited as I am about our afternoon activities, I'm also feeling quite distraught about the tragedy this morning in CT. We are so fortunate to have a safe school, with loving students and families. My heart breaks for those affected by this shooting.
I know you share this emotion and are as fired up as I am to do something for these poor children. With only one week until break, we will also need to make this happen quickly. After bouncing some ideas around with Jenna, we'd like to conduct a stuffed animal drive for the children at the school next week, with letters of support from our students. Although we have a food drive for the needy next week, the stuffed animals would not be part of the competition. We would just strive to collect at least 100 stuffed animals for the students and mail the items out over the holidays.
Please encourage your students and families to contribute to these two initiatives next week. We have so many blessings here at Jefferson, and it's now time to give back.
Many, many thanks to you for your continued commitment to our kids and families. You are appreciated and admired for all you do. Please keep our children, and those in Connecticut, in your hearts and prayers.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Students at Stevenson HS in Lincolnshire IL are sending a teddy bear for every Sandy Hook student. Maybe you can combine efforts? Contact their student activities office or on Facebook.
