
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

@WTULocal6 President Cancels Debate

People need cues to sort good from bad and to find order so that they can make decisions. In many different aspects of our daily life, we are giving off cues that can be positive or negative. Today's debate could have been a great event that would have given us an informed decision on who is the best presidential candidate to vote for in the 2013 WTU Elections. Unfortunately, it was cancelled by the WTU President Saunders himself. I took a screenshot of his email "Alert" message to the teachers about the said event organized by several teachers from different schools which he allegedly called a "fake" debate. I also posted here the statement from Elizabeth Davis sharing her disappointment about the cancellation of the debate and her response to the president's threatening message:
Dear WTU Members,

You received a communication this morning from Erich Martel announcin a debate between President Saunders and myself to take place at McKinley HS today. Subsequently you received an "Alert" from Nathan Saunders indicating that no debate would be happening. It is true that because only one candidate was willing to debate, the debate will not happen. But let me correct factual errors in Mr. Saunders "Alert" email.

The debate was an initiative of the school WTU Representatives at Wilson and McKinley High Schools and Lafayette Elementary. They had reserved the space at McKinley. Mr. David Pinder’, the principal at McKinley, sent me the email below confirming use of the auditorium. The email is also copied to Mr. Bruce Stevens, his head custodian. No one ever represented the debate as being formerly sponsored by the WTU leadership, the election committee, or inappropriately used the WTU
logo. They had reached out to both candidates and thought the debate was on. It is also not true that private insurance must be posted to hold any and all meetings in school facilities. These are scare tactics are simply being used to inhibit the democratic process.

I am disappointed that in the end Mr. Saunders didn't see it as in his interest to come to the debate. I hope that in the future we can rise above political gamesmanship and make debates a regular feature of WTU elections. The members and the health of our union demand it.

Please don't forget to vote. Vote for the Elizabeth Davis slate. The WTU can be better!

Elizabeth Davis, Candidate for President of the WTU
Email Message from Nathan Saunders About Today's Debate


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