Saturday, July 25, 2015

NBPTS Academy 2015 in Phoenix AZ #NBCTstrong

I felt so energetic with a new sense of direction after I came back from the recent NBPTS Academy in Phoenix AZ which was attended by more than 170 network leaders from 30 states in the US. The most valuable aspect of the NBPTS Academy was the inspiration created from meaningful collaboration and sharing of successful work from network leaders in other states/ school districts. 
I started the DC NBCT Network with a small group of NBCTs here in DC in 2010 and because of the political and organizational barriers, our plans of launching the network, organizing and mobilizing was halted. After I saw the unbelievable NBCT data for Washington DC a few months ago (we have 51 NBCTs, which is 1% of 4,000 DC teachers and only 1 certified last year) I knew I had to do something. Together with our allies, we can increase the number of our National Board Certified Teachers because I strongly believe that we have more than 1% great teachers in DC who can help elevate our teaching profession. This is our profession and it is time for our  teachers to be in charge of it! 
I went to the NBPTS Academy in Phoenix, AZ last July 19 without a clue if we were moving to the right direction with all the efforts that we have already done to encourage other Washington DC teachers to pursue accomplished teaching and enact the mission & vision of NBPTS. 
At the NBPTS Academy, I not only connected with wonderful like-minded NBCTs and teacher leaders who are having the same challenges. I also learned about different ways and strategies on how they were able to overcome them and succeed! I left Phoenix AZ on July 21 with a feeling of great accomplishment for our baby steps, an action plan that I strongly believe will work, and a group of amazing educators who are giving me the strength to carry on no matter what. 
Here are some of the highlights of my stay:

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