Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pre-Referral Intervention Manual

Here's one teacher resource book that I love! I use the Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM) often, it provides a direct response to state mandated pre-referral intervention activities. I like it and I find it very useful in my work as a special education teacher because PRIM has some valid accomodations and strategies which helps teachers to organize, strategize and give some structure to a student who is having difficulty. It may be used by a teacher or group of educators, such as a Student Support Team, to develop a comprehensive plan of intervention strategies for a student.

Characteristics of the PRIM
• The PRIM answers the mandate for pre-referral intervention in regular education classrooms.
• The PRIM contains over 4,000 intervention strategies for the 219 most common learning and behavior problems.
• The intervention strategies are simple, straightforward, and easily implemented in classrooms by regular education teachers.
• The PRIM includes an appendix of materials for the implementation of the behavioral interventions.
• The PRIM improves the teacher’s ability to individualize instruction for students in the classroom.
• The PRIM was developed by regular and special education teachers.
• The PRIM is one of the most comprehensive learning and behavior intervention manuals available.

The book has a Learning and Behavior Problem Checklist which provides a means of calling attention to learning and behavior problems for the purpose of early intervention before formal assessment of the student.

The Intervention Strategies Documentation Form in the book provides a written record to place in the student’s file to document problem areas and interventions implemented.

Promethean Planet


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