Saturday, April 14, 2007

Qualities of a Special Education Teacher

I was checking my website counter and statistics tracker to see the links of my visitors to this website. It displays the number of visitors to my web site; it also keeps statistics on the number of visits each hour and each day.

I found that there are growing visitors coming from Google, they found that my website has the information that they are searching for. I am glad that this weblog has now become a good source of information for special education teachers, parents, related service providers, students, and those searching for information on Filipino teachers in the US.

This searched topic caught my attention: "List of qualities of a good special education teacher", and my website is 4th in the ranking of websites containing this topic (as if I am the teacher that has the qualities). Well, I hope the researcher found what he/ she is looking for. But I guess I can give you a more specific answer.

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted, gave the Definition of a Well-Prepared Special Education Teacher . CEC also has spelled out the:

Code of Ethics for Educators of Persons with Exceptionalities:

1. Special education professionals are committed to developing the highest educational and quality of life potential of individuals with exceptionalities.
2. Special education professionals promote and maintain a high level of competence and integrity in practicing their profession.
3. Special education professionals engage in professional activities which benefit individuals with exceptionalities, their families, other colleagues, students, or research subjects.
4. Special education professionals exercise objective professional judgment in the practice of their profession.
5. Special education professionals strive to advance their knowledge and skills regarding the education of individuals with exceptionalities.
6. Special education professionals work within the standards and policies of their profession.
7. Special education professionals seek to uphold and improve where necessary the laws, regulations, and policies governing the delivery of special education and related services and the practice of their profession.
8. Special education professionals do not condone or participate in unethical or illegal acts, nor violate professional standards adopted by the Delegate Assembly of CEC.

Now that's a better answer to your inquiry *wink.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I've read the code of ethics of a SPED teacher. I'm a junior student taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in Special education and I'm currently working on my thesis proposal... Is there a journal or article where it defines the qualities of a Special education teacher? Thanks. Your help will be so much appreciated.

Wi Goh said...

I m also currently writing on a research on Sp ed teachers candidate and personality types. So also looking for a journal or article where it defines the qualities of a competent/effective Special education teacher.

Promethean Planet


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