Monday, February 18, 2013

100 Education Quotes

I was floored when I saw from my blog stats that this post has been one of my top 5 of all time! I wrote this post when I was just a newbie blogger and was trying to learn the tricks of using hyperlinks, etc. Who would think that this was going to be a major traffic source to my blog? Now, I am updating this post from 2007 because I do not want people to stumble upon my blog while surfing the internet only to find that the information that they're looking for here is already obsolete...
UPDATE # 1: Visuals! Added some photos of famous education quotes on every post.

Original post: The educational process has been the subject of much comment by academics and writers. Their observations range from praise to cynicism. I have collected here a variety of thought-provoking observations on education.
Education Quotes 1
Education Quotes 2
Education Quotes 3
Education Quotes 4
Education Quotes 5
Education Quotes 6
Education Quotes 7
Education Quotes 8
Education Quotes 9
Education Quotes 10
UPDATE #2: Pinterest Education Quotes Collaborative Board. Get your education quotes of the day and famous proverbs from this board! If you want to share your inspirational pins to this board by leaving a comment on the most recent pin.  It's NOW OPEN for collaboration, and I would love to have you on board!
UPDATE #3: Student Writing Practice. I have been using education quotes from my lists and from my Education Quotes Pinterest Board in the classroom as a warm up activity for my students. The students use the quotes as writing prompts to get started during the first five minutes of class just writing what the  quote means to them following the RACE strategy to make connections during their free write. It's been great, plus, it's aligned to Common Core Standards! Here's an activity you can try for your class.
How about you? I would love to hear how you are using these quotes for your students! 

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Promethean Planet


The following is the opinion of the writer and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Any view or opinion represented in the blog comments are personal and is accredited to the respective commentor / visitor to this blog. This blogger reserves the right to moderate comment suitability in support of respecting racial, religious and political sensitivities, and in order to protect the rights of each commentor where available.
