Monday, December 05, 2005

Teacher Certification Definitions DC Public Schools

Teachers in D.C. schools may have a provisional or standard license.

Provisional License = This three-year nonrenewable license may be issued to individuals who have not completed all the requirements for a standard license and are being employed in the D.C. Public Schools or any other educational agency in the district.

Standard License = This five-year renewable license may be issued to individuals who have completed all requirements for a specific teaching and service provider licenses, including academic coursework and appropriate assessments.

Professional License = This five-year renewable license may be issued to teachers or service providers employed with D.C. Public Schools after obtaining a standard license and acquiring permanent tenure in the school system.

Substitute Teaching Licenses = Full-time substitute teachers need to have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. A limited-term substitute will need a minimum of 60 semester hours of coursework from an accredited institution of higher education. This license expires after 90 days.

Interstate Reciprocity = Interstate reciprocity is granted to a teaching/service provider with valid credentials granted by another state's department of education, provided the professional has completed a minimum of three years of satisfactory fulltime teaching within the last seven years of receiving the state's certificate.

Private Schools = The requirements for private school teachers are the same as for public schools in the district.
Editor's note

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