Saturday, April 28, 2007

Parents Who Won't Play Active Role are Failing their own Kids

Mary Schultz can think of no greater disservice to children than to fail to equip them with a good education. A good education begins before children enter school, with involved parents encouraging them to learn and try new things. Once a child has entered the school system, too often parents think it has become the school's job to educate and promote education.

- Schools must provide quality teachers and mentors for our children, but parents must establish attitudes about school and the importance of achievement. The more support and encouragement children get from their parents, the more likely they are to continue.

- Parents must provide an environment the puts education first -- putting homework before television and praising good grades, not just the number of tackles in a football game.

- Parents must set achievement standards and be willing to help their children when additional support is needed.

- Parents must be connected with the school and familiar with school policies and activities. If a child does not feel confident and encouraged while at school, a parent has the right to know why. That is best done when a parent has established a relationship with and respect for the school. Motivating students starts at home.

- Parents must be willing to get know the school, faculty, administration and other students. In this article from Lafayette/West Lafayette (Ind.) Journal & Courier, Schultz writes that parents must encourage their students to see education as an asset.

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