Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Autism and Potty Training Tips - Getting Through this Difficult Time

Potty training toddlers can be hard work. But for any child, autistic or not, this is a very important step in the developmental process, and one that should not be delayed. Autism potty training, however, may bring about a little dread in parents that are about to undergo the process. This article will briefly cover some of the ways you can help ease this process, and what you should expect.

First, it is important that you understand that some fundamental and universal techniques for potty training children are simply not applicable to children with autism. Or, more accurately, these rules are not applicable in their original form – not without some tweaking, anyway. It is also important to understand that this process will not be easy, no matter the level of learning ability of your child. The process is not easy for any child. You will need to bring patience and determination to the table in order to be successful. More Tips

1 comment:

Health Watch Center said...

Hi Angala,

Potty training is an important step in the child’s development process and Potty training toddler is not the easiest thing.

Thank you for sharing a helpful article for the parents who's kid is autistic.

The Parents Zone

Promethean Planet


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