Wednesday, December 26, 2007

EdWeek Update

U.S. Middle-Grades Teachers Found Ill-Prepared in Math
The gap in teacher preparation could help explain achievement disparities between American students and their peers in other industrialized nations, researchers say.

New Teachers Outdo Peers of Last Decade on Academic Scales
A new study concludes that teachers entering the profession today have higher academic qualifications than their counterparts a decade ago.

Tiered Licensing Systems Being Used by States
As states explore how to get, keep, and improve the practice of teachers, one popular change has been to do away with lifetime licenses.

Reports Renew Debate Over Alternative Preparation
Only half the teachers in high-needs schools trained via alternative routes said they were prepared for the first year of teaching, according to survey findings.

Philanthropies Launch National Teacher Education Fellowships
The $17 million program is described as a “Rhodes scholarship” for teaching.

Hijab on the Hardcourt
More Muslim girls are wearing headscarves while they play competitive sports, though they continue to face some resistance in public schools.

Congress OKs Education Budget With Modest Increases
Federal education spending would increase by 2.9 percent in fiscal 2008 under a bill approved by Congress that generally favors Democratic priorities over President Bush’s.

Social-Skills Programs Affect Academic Achievement
New research suggests that teachers should take time to teach students to manage their emotions and to practice empathy, caring, and cooperation.

Online Profiles a Factor in College Admissions
Students are using new Web tools to sell themselves to schools, while some colleges are trolling social-networking sites to dig into applicants' profiles.

The Coming Age of Post-Standardization
It’s time to accept that standardization has gone down like a lead balloon, Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley argue.

‘Gen Y’ Teachers Want to Innovate
Education leaders need to listen to what new teachers say they need and afford them freedom, resources, and true support, Sabrina Laine writes.

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