Friday, December 07, 2007

Fenty's School Plan Inspires Protest

WASHINGTON -- Mayor Adrian Fenty's plan to close 23 district schools next year prompted a loud protest Friday.

"We will vote you out! We will vote you out! We will vote you out!" PTA leaders, parents and other people with a connection to D.C. schools chanted as they marched in the cold rain outside the Wilson Building.

They voiced opposition to the mayor's plan to reorganize D.C. schools, which is based on a list of facilities selected by school Chancellor Michelle Rhee.

Fenty said closing the schools will free up millions of dollars to add programs at remaining facilities.

The mayor said he will make his final decision on school closings in January.

Previous Stories:
December 5, 2007: Union Launch Ad to Fight School Plan
December 4, 2007: Focus, DC Council, Focus
November 29, 2007: D.C. Schools Hiring Freeze Ordered Due To Budget Deficit
November 28, 2007: 23 D.C. Schools To Close As Part Of Overhaul Plan
November 28, 2007: D.C.'s First School Ombudsman Confirmed

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