Monday, December 10, 2007

Study strategies for college students with special needs

With more students with learning disabilities attending college, specialists offer advice on helping such students through finals. Mapping out a study schedule with breaks and alternating strategies can help students succeed, said Alexa Taylor, a Southern Methodist University learning-disabilities specialist. The Dallas Morning News

Help yourself or your child master finals season with Ms. Taylor's tips:

• Map out a written schedule. Fill in test times,scheduling small blocks of time for a variety of subjects.
•Rein in unstructured time. Set a study time for each day and stick with it. Use meals as natural breaks between subjects.
•Duplicate normal study places. If studying in the library is a habit when class is in session, don't switch to studying in the dorm, where roommates and television can be distractions.
•Use different study styles throughout the day to avoid burnout. Don't plan to read all day. Instead, alternate working problems, making note cards or working with a study group.
•Keep up with workouts.
•Don't neglect basic care. Have regular meals, schedule some down time and don't forget to take any necessary medications.

* The National Center for Learning Disabilities

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