Saturday, September 13, 2008

Response to Intervention: Key Elements of School Wide Implementation

Learn about a response to intervention project now in its fifth year of implementation. This project is a collaborative, three-tiered model with general and special education sharing responsibility for student achievement from kindergarten to fifth grade. See an overview of the systemic issues involved in implementing the process in a typical school without the allocation of additional resources. The project uses the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) curriculum-based measurement system to monitor literacy acquisition of all students. Students at risk for reading failure are identified, provided targeted intervention and monitored for their response to the intervention. Participate in three group activities based on interpreting all levels of data (curriculum effectiveness at grade, classroom and student levels). Both special and general education teachers will be empowered to work together to take initial steps in systemic change.

Susan Greathouse-Koceski

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