Thursday, October 02, 2008

Interactive Desks in our Classroom of the Future

I blogged about UK Builds Interactive Desks two weeks ago and I was wondering how it looks like and how it really works and I thought it will take a while to find out.

This morning I went to work just in time and was directed to join my co-teachers in a meeting with a team of technology experts from OCTO, Office of Chief Technology Officer DCPS. They solicited for more technology needs of the teachers in order to meet the needs of our 21st century students. Jefferson has been chosen to be a DCPS High Tech Campus, and in some classrooms we now have video conferencing technology, Mac laptops for every child in some classrooms, and the Classroom of the Future where I have seen the Interactive Desks for the first time (after the meeting everybody just went excited playing around with it, I should have taken a photo).
Some of the values they discussed to provide are:
- reliable access to appropriate technologies including but not limited to hardware, connectivity and content standards within and beyond the classroom;
- educators who are highly skilled in interdisciplinary instructional use of technology;
- parents, communities, and other partners provide support and active involvement in the learning process; and
- enhanced learning environments in order to engage all members of the community in successful pursuit of life-long learning opportunities.
They promised to give the teachers the training that we need to use these state-of-the-art teaching technology that is now being placed in our school, soon in each of our classroom. This is what I am saying, what I have been advocating for, and what I have been blogging about here:

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