Friday, January 09, 2009

Goodbye Chalkboard, hello Promethean Board!

I have blogged several times about my excitement of getting a Promethean Board in my classroom as an assistive technology tool to accomodate the special needs of my exceptional students. It was an excellent Christmas present to my students for their hardwork, it came two weeks before the winter break. Aside from suddenly having a classroom of the future, I can now get my students more engaged and behavior problems amazingly dropped! This is very powerful!

CNN has featured a teacher in MD schools here.

These are the kind of resources that teachers need so we can help our students become successful and achieve at high levels. I can relate to the special education teachers in MD with everything that they said in this news video:


Anonymous said...

i am a teacher in brooklyn, nyc and i have a smartboard. Almost everyone has a smartboard and not many of the nyc doe use prometheans. I would like to know which schools are using promethean boards and how much they cost? I wonder if they are cheaper?? any ideas?

Kendra W. Brown said...

I just got a Promethean on Donorschoose. I'm so excited. Most people at my school have Smartboard too. Do you know if the wiring is the same for the Smartboard and Promethean? My prinicipal is concerned.

Promethean Planet


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