At conference: Clay Middle School teacher Liana Giles writes on a whiteboard -- an interactive electronic display that combines functions of a blackboard, computer and overhead projector, allowing computer monitor displays to be viewed and worked on in class. - Matt Detrich / The Star
Educators and students caught a glimpse of the classroom of the future at a conference in Indiana. Teachers said tools such as interactive whiteboards, laptop computers and the Internet will help improve achievement by providing a wider variety of teaching tools that will allow them to find a way to meet the individual needs of all students. "I would use something different every day," one teacher said of having the latest technology in the classroom. "Every kid would be interested in something." The Indianapolis Star (11/6)
Report: Interactive whiteboards improve student learning: A report released at the recent State Education Technology Directors Association Education Forum showed that the use of interactive whiteboards does have a positive effect on learning, if done correctly. "The teachers [who] didn't see improvement with [whiteboards] were usually those who didn't make sure the content, and not the add-ons, came first. Content, and knowing what you're trying to teach, is key," said Robert Marzano, CEO of Marzano Research Laboratory, which conducted the research. eSchool News (11/4)
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