Wednesday, May 25, 2005

ADHD: Girls with ADHD have higher risk for mental illness

From the CEC Smart Brief:

Girls with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have a much greater risk for mental illness by age 17, according to a new study. In comparing 140 girls between the ages of 12 and 17 with ADHD with 122 girls without the disorder, researchers found by age 17, the ADHD group was far more likely to have depression, anxiety and conduct disorders. USA TODAY (5/25)

Author: ADHD is a "tremendous asset:"

Lara Honos-Webb's controversial book, "The Gift of ADHD," argues that what many see as disruptive symptoms of ADHD are, in reality, expressions of special talents. Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, Calif.) (free registration) (5/24)

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