Saturday, September 17, 2005


This entry is wholeheartedly written by Mr. Peace Crusader and I share exactly the same sentiments.

Lately, I’ve been witness to some unpleasant happenings within my community of bloggers. Feelings were hurt and friendships were broken. People taking sides without knowing all the facts only made things worse.

It started from an anonymous reader leaving nasty comments on a blogger’s tagboard. The owner of the blog tried to track down the commenter but ended up erroneously accusing an innocent person who simply happened to be online on the blogger’s site at the same time when the nasty comments were made. Ultimately, the real culprit was identified. But the damage had already been done... And things have never been the same again. For now there is fear from other bloggers from visiting and leaving comments on other people’s sites. Some bloggers have even lost the desire to continue blogging.

Who can blame them?

Most bloggers blog for the fun of it. One feels good visiting blogs with posts that are funny, informational or inspirational. We like blogs where the author and its readers get along with each other. Where the exchanges of ideas and comments are funny and although sometimes heated are nonetheless educational and civilized. On the otherhand, one feels bad and disheartened when they see people saying bad things to one another and swearing at each other. No one wants to live in a household where the members are always fighting, shouting and swearing at each other. The first thing one wants to do in such a situation is to leave that house. Never to come back again.

I, together with a few of my fellow bloggers have decided to band together and do something about it. For in a way, all of us became victims of the situation. It's like we’ve lost our innocence. We’ve lost the joy in blogging. But now we want to restore it back.

We know there will always be people who find pleasure in making others miserable by leaving nasty comments and messages in other people’s blogs. We cannot change nor control these people, but we have the free-will to control the way we react to these people.

And so we’ve decided that should we receive negative, vicious, nasty, or malicious messages, that...

-We will not react violently to these people.

-We will not reply back in a menacing tone or manner or use foul language or swearing.

-We will sort out our differences with them privately and discretely and refrain from quarreling or bickering in public.

Our aspiration is to help create an environment among bloggers and people who visit blogs that is sociable and mutually pleasant for both. An environment;

1. Where visitors to sites are accorded utmost courtesy and respect.

2. Where bad language and swearing are not used against anyone.

3. Where discourse and sharing of ideas are encouraged through messages and comments.

4. Where no one will be mocked, rebuked, or ridiculed or be retaliated upon for anything they say.

5. Where every visitor is welcome and treated as guest and friend.

If you share these aspirations and are willing to be part of the solution in making the BlogSphere a more friendly and peaceful place, all you need to do is display the VFS logo anywhere on your site with a link back to this page.


Anonymous said...


My name is Janna and I'm a cyber teacher in Pennsylvania. I came across your blog as I searched for cyber teachers, I really like what I see. I'm fairly new to the whole blog scene...:) I was wondering, what are some of the challenges you face as a cyber teacher? How do you help create a community among your online learners? I'll be back!

:) Janna

RAV Jr said...

Hello, VFS supporter din po ako...

Im happy that more and more people are subscribing to this drive, thanks a lot to peace crusader. This again is an indication that deep inside our hearts is that goodness which longs to be shared with every human being.

May we always find peace as we visit the sites of our friends.

Have a nice week end T-Sol.

Anonymous said...

i like this VFS initiative. :)

Anonymous said...


I also feel that way...,do i have to leave
a comment or just keep it in my heart?
I`m not that aware of the situations,
but I`m keeping my fingers crossed...
I love bloghopping..,and i want to keep the just be it...
Hope the logo spread,not only literraly..,deeply..


Ms.B said...

hi teacher! As in i have now the VFS logo in my blog, thanks to you i'm now as friendly as you are! very nice entry today, very informative indeed! keep it up ha, hanga kita!

Dante said...

This is really a great initiative Teacher Sol... =)

I'll post the logo in my blog also. =)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Maria Lourdes,

I was just checking on my email and browsing on my sms account today when I see your name and picture on the lower right side of the page. I was curious (cause I’m new to the site) so I click and browse over your profile. My attention was caught up on the gray link “” and as I was browsing the entire page including every links you have, I was reminded by a story of a young man who one day visited the seashore. On that day, he saw volume of star fish just along the shore dump in by the big waves of the sea. The young man, upon seeing the struggle of the creatures back to their habitat, take the effort of helping the creatures by putting them back in the water one by one. An hour later, an old man pass by and saw what the young man is trying to do and said, “You can’t help them all, and you’re just wasting your time, its impossible”! There are millions of them and you’re doing it alone! And the young man look back to the old man and said, “I may not be able to save the whole world but at least with this simple act of kindness to this poor creatures I made a difference”.

Like you and many other unseen mentors trying to bring balance in this troubled world… are the real heroes. And I commend you for all your effort. I once took the path of becoming an educator but I was just in my third year when I decided to stop. Perhaps it is because I did not fully realize the very essence of the field that I’ve been taking or perhaps it is because I allowed my mind to focus on something else. A dream of building a school with an extra ordinary educational system is one of the strongest factors that drive me to take the field of education.

I planned it all from Bachelor in Elementary Education to Masters Degree to PhD that was the pattern of the roadmap that I once draw. But over the years things didn’t work out as planned. And the dreams little by little slip by and remain dormant until this morning when I visited your site. There was some kind of energy that connects the thoughts in my mind directly into my heart as I was reading and pondering on the messages you’ve written. Perhaps to many other readers who came before me, it was just simply words written electronically. I don’t know if I sounded over-reacting… but to me they are live words with real and deep meaning.

And I may say that it’s never too late to rebuild my dreams again. But for now I think I need to go, for there are other things on sched. Hope to hear from you soon.

Your new found friend,

bing said...

a VFS supporter here...

HI, Sol! Mr Peace Crusader is doing a great job!

Teacher Sol said...

JANNA, hello! I am glad to know that you liked what I have here in my little website :D I started as a blogger just like you; searching for blogger friends who share the same experiences and advocacy at the same time struggling to learn how to manipulate the admin site of my blog. It didn't take me overnight to get acquainted with some blogger friends thru bloghopping. I am still doing trial-and-error with the admin site of my blog, and I ask (just like what you're doing) if I see something nice from another person's blog how she/he did it. Some blogger friends are good, some are not. Please be aware also of spammers and trolls who leave nasty comments...scroll down because I wrote several entries about these culprits that every blogger should be aware of. But generally, I enjoy blogging and I got hooked to it the first time I used it. I also have a class homepage ( which showcases my students poetry and artworks. I hope you'll enjoy exploring my little weblog, and please find the links informative too. You are always welcome to visit, ask me about teaching and blogging(I am a Tech Liaison to the DC Area Writing Project), and share your thoughts with us about the ideas presented here. Please do not hesitate.

Your new blogging buddy,
Teacher Sol

Teacher Sol said...

DOPS, Pao, Dante, Ms.B, Cecille, Bing, Thank you for showing your support and by putting the VFS logo on your weblog and linking back. Matutuwa si Mr. Peace Crusader. It's about time that we all do something about making the cyberspace a safe haven for all of us.

AME.SWEET, I hope you will not get disheartened by all these in creating your own website one day. I would love to read your writings too and exchange thoughts with you.

Promethean Planet


The following is the opinion of the writer and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, or individual. Any view or opinion represented in the blog comments are personal and is accredited to the respective commentor / visitor to this blog. This blogger reserves the right to moderate comment suitability in support of respecting racial, religious and political sensitivities, and in order to protect the rights of each commentor where available.
