Saturday, April 08, 2006

Blackboard Blogging

Web Journals Become the New Fly on the Wall of the Teachers' Lounges

The teachers' lounge - that secretive place where, students imagine, teachers sip coffee, smoke and gossip about them - has gone global.

The bloggosphere is the new lounge where teachers gather to talk about vicious administrators, educational reforms both stupid and smart, marriage, divorce and, yes, students.

All give teachers a way to be heard as never before.

Yong Zhao, director of the Center for Teaching and Technology at Michigan State University, said it is important for teachers to know how to blog so they can understand the digital world in which their students live.

This didn't come from me. This is directly quoted from a recent article in The Washington Post, what more can I say?

My blog is not alone in the cyberspace; some bloggers mentioned here are my blogger-teacher colleagues and we visit each other from time to time. Do you know what we talk about? It's open to the public *wink...

1 comment:

DesertSurfer said...

This Education Bloggosphere is pretty wild stuff! I am relatively new at it but have loved having a forum to discuss issues.

In reading tons of different teacher blogs, though, it has become more and more evident that a lot of bloggers use their site simply to "vent" instead of balance it out with the positive. Too much one direction or the other really paints an unfair picture especially for the new teachers out there.

But if nothing else it is nice to know that there is life outside of our school and we all tend to go through the same things.

Great blog...


Promethean Planet


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