Monday, June 19, 2006

Positive Referral: Recognition That Works

I read about this classroom behavior management strategy in a book: "Classroom Teacher's Survival Guide". Since my classroom is a "Positive Zone" and I am using a lot of positive reinforcement techniques, I decided to adapt this POSITIVE REFERRAL in communicating with the parents of my students.

The adage "The squeaky wheels get the grease" too often holds true in schools. In many schools, many misbehaving students get the bulk of the staff's attention. In such a climate, educators can easily overlook students' positive behaviors.

Students gain special recognition when they do something positive - in or out of the classroom - that benefits the school or community. My students' parents get a phone call from me whenever their child does something good in class. Then they get an "End of Advisory Certificate of Recognition" which gives them plus Pride Points from their homeroom teachers. The certificates remain posted in the class bulletin board until the Parent Teacher Conferences wherein their parents personally pick up the certificate of recognition.

This program in my class is to give recognition and focus more on positive behaviors. The criteria for behaviors worthy of positive referral are open- ended to allow as many as possible to be recognized.

It is a great way to recognize the little things that happen that help make a great environment. This program has been newly implemented this school year but the students and parents are showing positive response to this.

Here's a power point presentation of "School Wide Discipline & Behavior Support" by Rob Horner & George Sugai, OSEP Center on PBIS, University of Oregon. I got this while searching the web for Positive Behavior Facilitation:

Resource Guide: Classroom Teacher's Survival Guide: Practical Strategies, Management Techniques, and Reproducibles for New and Experienced Teachers

1 comment:

Carnation said...

hi found a link to your blog from the fabulous filipina webring. very informative page and am sure i can learn some things from it.

Promethean Planet


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