Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Nashville gives student leaders cell phones

From the CEC Smart Brief:

While many schools ban cell phones, administrators in Nashville, Tenn., have handed out 26 phones to student leaders. Assistant Superintendent Ralph M. Thompson said giving students the handsets teaches them about leadership and could serve as a safety measure. The Tennessean (Nashville) (12/26)

Metro administrators plan to hand out about 50 cell phones to members of the student advisory council, a group of three student leaders from every high school. Here's a look at the rules.

• Students with Metro-issued cell phones have to follow the same school policies as students with personal cell phones. They can bring the phones to school but can't use them during the school day, and that includes text messaging and sending photos.

• Students with issued cell phones have 500 minutes a month and are allowed to use the phones only for "business" calls. Administrators will review records to make sure the phones aren't used for personal calls.

• Text messaging isn't included, and students have been advised that they must pay for any over-ages incurred. School officials estimate the phones will cost $11 to $15 a month each, and are looking for a business to donate a portion of the cost.


This is a too risky step that they are taking. I really hope it works according to plan.

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