Sunday, March 11, 2007

ADHD: Is your child's brain starving?

Lecture on how diet can contribute to ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) by Dr. Michael R. Lyon, MD. Shot at Mount Royal College, Calgary, Alberta.

Dr. Lyon - "As the director of a medical & research centre, I have explored a variety of potential treatments to improve brain function in children and adults, without the use of drugs like Ritalin. Although I believe there is promise in certain herbal medicines and in non-drug treatments such as biofeedback, I have seen the most profound improvements in learning and behaviour through an intelligently applied nutritional program."

Watch this VIDEO CLIP

CREDIT:Gordon McDowell runs a video blog at, where he posts all of his open source video creations.

1 comment:

The Braggs said...


As a teacher of nutrition and parenting I found this video extremely interesting. I am having my nutrition students research an area close to their heart and this may be the topic I model for them as they teacher each other what they learned. Thanks for sharing!


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