Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Add/Adhd Behavior-Change Resource Kit

Add/Adhd Behavior-Change Resource Kit : Ready-To-Use Strategies & Activities for Helping Children With Attention Deficit Disorder by Grad L. Flick.

This book has up-to-date information and practical strategies to help parents and teachers learn to control behaviors. The kit also helps children learn to change their behaviors, build academic, social and personal skills.

Step by step instructions for changing behaviors make it easy to follow.

Includes training exercises to help teachers, counselors and parents to work together in monitoring and managing ADHD behaviors.

1 comment:

Shane H. said...

I have a ten year old son with ADHD and 3 LD's. I enjoyed looking around your blog. I also have an ADHD/LD blog. You're more than welcome to stop by sometime.

Promethean Planet


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