Monday, November 12, 2007

More National Board Certification Books

I just came from Borders Bookstore, stayed there for three hours browsing through books and looking through shelves for reference materials that would help me with my National Board. I need to finish my portfolio entries before the Winter break or before my expected due date in February. I went home smiling, I found a Special Education Book and a Social Skills Book that I can use as reference guides:

This book gives a source of useful facts that cover essential assessment, diagnosis, remediation, legal, and procedural information. Here's just a brief description of the kind of complete and up-to-date information you'll find in each section:

Legal Issues in Special Education. Nine lists that give an overall view of the most important legal issues from "Landmark Court Cases in Special Education" ... "Parents' Rights in the Special Education Process" ... "Conditions of Public Law 504."

Foundations of the Special Education Process. Twenty-nine lists of the summarize the preventive and diagnostic measures to help identify students with disabilities such as "How to Examine School Records" ... "Procedures to Follow if You Suspect Child Abuse or Neglect" ... and "Parental Participation in the Assessment Process."

Specific Exceptionalities. Eighty-one lists offer the information, facts, and suggestions for dealing with more than twenty exceptionalities, including "Criteria Used to Diagnose Autistic Disorder" ... "Approaches to Educational Programming for Gifted Students" ... and "The Braille Alphabet."

Special Education Assessment. One hundred twenty-five lists take you through the tools and procedures used in diagnosing and identifying special education students for example, "The Wechlser Scales of Intelligence" ... "Analysis for Interpreting Oral Reading" ... and "Overview of Bilingual Assessment."

IEP Information. Ten lists provide up-to-date information on how to develop an Individualized Education Program, such as a "Related Services Available on the IEP" ... "Sample IEP Form" . . . and . . . "Student Eligibility and Criteria for Testing Modifications"

Eligibility Committee. presents thirteen lists such as "Responsibilities of the Eligibility Committee" ... "Agreement to Withdraw an Eligibility Committee Referral" ... and "Procedures for Changing a Students Classification or Placement."

Classroom Instruction Techniques for Children with Disabilities. features seven lists that cover practical tips and materials including "Alternate Learning Activities" . . . "Key Concepts in Behavior Modification" . . . and "Subject Areas and Related Goals."

Transition Services — contains forty-five lists the provide a complete overview of the transition for a child from school to the adult world, such as "Prevocational Skills". . . "The Importance of Travel Training" . . . "Checklist for Assessing Colleges for Accessibility."

Parent Education — offers practical parenting suggestions including "How to Communicate with Your Children" . . . "How to Improve a Child's Self-Esteem" . . . and . . . "What Parents Need to Know About Retention."

And for Entry 3: Enhancing Social Development, I found this great resource:

I just feel bad that I bought them both at Borders $15.00 more expensive because I was so excited and I couldn't let it go off my possession. I checked and found that books are really way cheaper at So here colleagues, I am giving this away for you.

* Please check the right sidebar for more of my National Board Certification candidacy.

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