Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (IV)

B. Multidisciplinary evaluation team members

(c) Special education teachers - the special educator's role is that of individualizing, diagnosing, and modifying curriculum. Historically, the special education teacher taught students with disabilities in self-contained classes. The role of the special education teacher in inclusive schools has shifted to include:

1. providing assessment and instructional planning for the student in the mainstream setting;

2. conducting remedial and tutorial instruction;

3. providing consultation to the regular class teacher (team teaching);

4. participating in the school's assessment and eligibility teams; and,

5. searching for ways of integrating special education students into all aspects of the schools program including extracurricular activities.

As a member of the multidisciplinary team, the special education teacher can offer suggestions for modifying instruction, consulting with the regular education teacher, identifying resources, alternative learning materials, and assistive devices.

Working together, the special education and regular education teachers can help parents in the following ways:

· Learn as much as possible about the student from the parents.

· Provide information regarding the student's disability as well as the rights of the parents in the IEP process and their role as team members.

· Explain the process and terms of the eligibility and IEP meeting (many school districts have parent manuals or brochures). Help the parents during the IEP process making sure their ideas, concerns, and views are expressed and heard.

· Provide parents with narrative reports and suggestions on how to work with their child at home.

· Assist the student and the student's parents in the planning of the student's future after leaving school (transition services).

· Act as the student's advocate, i.e., represent the interests, preferences, and rights of the student or parents.

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