Wednesday, November 28, 2007

New Blog Skin

This was how my blog looked like before I changed my blog template three days ago. The contents still remain the same but I changed the header and the sidebar for several reasons:

- to customize my blog and make it more personalized
- to make it look a little more different than any blogs out there
- to convey more professionalism as an educator for special needs students catering more on my specific audience and readership's information needs
- This is my information portal for special education issues, news and current events in DC Public Schools and across the nation. I want to make sure that those who thirst for these kinds of information find most of the things that they need in my blog
- I'll be more likely to blog when I am satisfied with how my blog looks and feels

I hope all these factors combined will help me attract more readers, retain readers, and draw readers into my circle of satisfied audience.

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