Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Newsweek Names Rhee Person To Watch In 2008

Magazine Calls D.C. Schools Chancellor Unconventional Reformer

WASHINGTON -- Newsweek magazine has named D.C. Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee a person to watch in 2008 for her unconventional approach to reforming district schools.

The magazine noted Rhee's straight-talking style and determination to improve education in the district--even if it ruffles feathers.

No one is more aware than Rhee that she is an unconventional fit for D.C. She has never run a school district. Then there is the issue of a Korean-American running predominantly African-American schools. Rhee has tried to defuse racial tension with her blunt talk. "I bet you are wondering what this Korean lady is doing here," she told one all-black audience. Newsweek
Rhee has announced plans to fire more than 100 administrative workers and close down 23 schools, the magazine reported. NBC4

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