Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pay-Hike Plan for Teachers In D.C. Entails Probation

George Parker, president of the Washington Teachers' Union, said he has not endorsed the salary plan. (By Dominic Bracco Ii -- The Washington Post)
It will be in the WaPo tomorrow... what we talked about last Monday at the WTU office with Chancellor Rhee. Red or green?
UPDATE: For my salary scale, how much is the difference between the tiers? Red difference of $20,000 (thanks for the copy). Tempting, really! Would I let myself be under probation because of the money? I just need to see the criteria for a teacher to be qualified for the bonuses. This can't be dependent solely on the students' DC CAS test scores, I believe they know better than this. How would they measure the effectiveness of a teacher? How is this going to be a fair process of evaluation for all teachers (including special ed, related service providers, ESL, music, PE and arts teachers)? I need to see some more details on how they would ask the teachers to demonstrate our high quality professional practice that leads to student achievement...something like this (Arlington Public Schools). I will make sure that I understand the fairness of this process before voting for this new contract.
All teachers will be on a competitive level. If a teacher does not play his game well, he can be eliminated regardless of seniority or tenure. Teaching is really easy, but teaching effectively is the hard part.

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