Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Teachers Things To Remember On The First Week of School

First Day of School went smoothly yesterday. I went around the 6th grade classrooms yesterday and introduced myself to each class as the Inclusion teacher, and that I am going to help the students who have different styles of learning by presenting to them the same lessons in a way that they will understand them. I expressed that I will be working with them and their lead teacher to make sure that all students are successful in the classroom. We are starting out the new school year with a strong new 6th grade team and a great group of students! We have high expectations for academics and behavior, and we are consistent and tough, but fair.
I will be spending the rest of this week going over their IEPs and getting acquainted with those students in my caseload (19 students). Aside from that, here are other things that I will be doing...

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