Thursday, September 25, 2008

Financial Incentive Rewards for Supervisors & Teachers

I am not a big fan of the proposed DCPS two-tier performance pay plan so I am not discussing much about it in this blog. It is creating a great divide among us teachers and this is not a good sign.

On the other hand, other school districts have a better idea of boosting student scores and paying teachers for hardwork. PGCPS worked with their Teachers Union so they can be a team for this program, they planned together and came up with this. Click here to view CNN First Interview
Last night, I was talking to my friend who teaches in Prince George's County Public School. She talked about the FIRST Pilot Program in her school, Financial Incentive Rewards for Supervisors & Teachers, which provides financial rewards for teachers and administrators who work hard to staff schools and subject areas, who assist students in meeting achievement standards in tested areas, who participate in professional development, undergo a rigorous evaluation system. What really caught my attention was the excitement in her voice to really work hard in boosting the scores of her students. She said this experience is very meaningful and reflective for her, and the collaboration among the principal, administrators and teachers is genuine teamwork. The data gathering and analysis is a lot of work, but this is the heart of it, looking at the assessments data and focus their instruction to the weak areas. Now this is really smart!!

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