Saturday, October 04, 2008

Data Driven Instruction

My colleague at Jefferson just emailed the staff about our data driven initiative and emphasized the importance of data analysis to teaching and learning.

I agree that it is important to be data driven and to learn how assessment informs our instruction. I had to reteach fractions to my students because of the result of my Friday quiz two weeks ago. Our Math Coach immediately adviced me to lessen my objectives because it seems that my students are overwhelmed. I heeded her advice and focused my lessons primarily on the weak areas as showed in their quiz. By the way, I generate my Friday quizzes from Think Link Learning too, it is very convenient and targeted.

Early this week I had my data wall set up for the Parent Teacher Conferences, I hope I am compliant with the requirements for a classroom data wall: results of DC BAS in bar graph, and subskills showing strengths and weaknesses of each student. I highlighted the data wall to each parent yesterday, it was an eye opener for the parents to see how their child is performing in a school wide assessments based on their grade level standards. We talked on how we can help their child achieve during the next benchmark assessments and spring testing. They realized the importance of the BAS and CAS and asked me for tutoring their child. I have never seen parents concerned and offered involvement in my 5 years of teaching special needs students, they were usually passive and just left it all to me.

I believe that we should really be advocating and be pushing for this.

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