Saturday, February 07, 2009

Duncan wants to change NCLB and its name

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan says that after working under No Child Left Behind as head of Chicago Public Schools, he is in step with school accountability, but wants NCLB to be less punitive. Duncan said that having every state devise its own standards under NCLB is a bad idea. He also wants to "rebrand" the law, but is unsure what to call it and says he's open to suggestions. U.S. News & World Report
I think that the "Highly Qualified Teacher" should be changed to the "Highly Effective Teacher", standards should be well thought out and should not just be based on a piece of paper (licenses and certifications).
What makes a teacher highly qualified? As Congress and President Barack Obama's administration look to improve No Child Left Behind, there is renewed interest in what makes a teacher "highly qualified" -- a standard that can be defined differently depending on the state. A National Board Certified Teacher in Wisconsin says part of her high quality teaching includes being able to back up her methods if questioned about them. Oshkosh Northwestern (Wis.)

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