Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Miss U Ms. Angala

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a message from my former students, Ethel and Antioniqua, the other day. Remember Ethel? I blogged about her last Sept. 27, 2008 here. Ethel and Antioniqua both said that they just got their first email account and were excited to get in touch with me. I replied to their emails congratulating them and asked them how they are doing now in High School. Ethel sweetly replied to me this morning:

hey ms.angala

im so greatful to hear from you im having a great time in school and i made lots of friends and im geting good grades tho i did make 2 d's in my to classes but im doing my best to pull them back up to a better grade o and i made a friend that is from the same place as u can i miss u a lot and im going to try and come sea u its just that i've been doing a lot of things tell every one that i said hello and i miss all of you sea u ms. angala very soon.

Miss U too Ethel, I am excited to see you too, will wait for you.

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